Home Finance Why Gibraltar Can Be A Great Place For Your Company

When you run a company, you know that a big part of the job is making decisions that help your company profit and keep those profits. The legal structure of your company, as well as its global location, play a big part in how taxes are assessed and what kind of profits your company keeps. One action you may want to consider with your company is setting up in a business-friendly country such as Gibraltar.

There are many advantages to basing your business in Gibraltar, including tax incentives, political stability, and globally-recognised financial stability. When you set up your business in Gibraltar, you even have the option to relocate there should you desire. For many companies, relocating to Gibraltar is a highly beneficial decision.

Why Gibraltar Can Be A Great Place For Your Company1

Advantages of Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a unique country. It is independent and self-governing, but enjoys the military protection and economic and political stability of being a territory of the United Kingdom. It is part of the European Union, and has adopted all the Directives of the EU except those requiring indirect taxation (VAT). This combination of EU status and political stability along with low taxation rates creates the perfect environment for a business to thrive.

In fact, the low tax rate in Gibraltar is one of the primary benefits of moving your company there. A Gibraltar company isn’t subject to capital gains, VAT, or inheritance taxes. Additionally, the corporation and personal income taxes are low, and there is a special tax status for ‘high net worth individuals’. Not only does your company benefit from extremely low taxes, but setting up a company in Gibraltar gives you the option for a passport, or even relocation to a beautiful and stable country.

Getting Help with Company Formation and Administration

If you are considering Gibraltar as a base for your company, it is best to contact a financial services firm to help you with all the paperwork and legal parts of setting up your company. You can find a firm to help you with trust formation and estate planning, as well as both simple and complex tax holding. If you are interested in setting up an EU parent subsidiary structure or passport structure for business services, this is another area where a Gibraltar financial firm can help.

A reliable financial services and trust firm can even help with other issues such as accountancy and payroll services, and even marine vehicle registration. If you need company administration services or other legal services, a firm can help with that as well. International trading laws and structures can be complicated, so it is beneficial to get a well-established Gibraltar trust firm to help you with all the details.

Gibraltar is one of the best places in the world to live and work. Even if you aren’t ready to relocate there, it can be extremely beneficial to set up your business structure in Gibraltar. To get all the information on business regulations and for help setting up your company, you can contact a Gibraltar financial services trust firm.

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