5 High-Return Investments For Recurring Income
If there is one thing everyone likes, it is passive income. Like most other people, chances are you are trying to find some great investment opportunities that will bring you high returns and recurring income. However, the process can be harder than many people expect. If you want to get immediate results and increase your monthly cash flow, here are five of the best high-return investments that often produce recurring income.
Become a Silent Partner
With so many new opportunities opening up in today’s modern business world, investing in a business is a great way to produce recurring income. Though somewhat risky, you could strike gold if you choose the right business. To have recurring income, you can either reap dividends when a company does an IPO, or instead enter into an agreement where you receive a percentage of the company’s revenue.
Real Estate
When you make smart investments in real estate, chances are passive income will be yours for decades. If you like, you can choose to buy a home and rent it out for likely well over $1,000 per month. Other real estate investment opportunities include buying commercial property, which can then be leased to tenants, or perhaps buying huge tracts of farmland and selling it off a little bit at a time.
An insurance product, annuities are not for everyone. However, if you have practically no risk tolerance for loss and want to guarantee a passive income stream the rest of your life, an annuity may be worth the investment.
Vending Machines
Almost no matter where you go, vending machines are nearby. Offering everything from drinks to candy to potato chips and more, investing in vending machines and placing a few here and there is an easy chance to get high returns and recurring income.
Dividend Stocks
Finally, you can open an account with a brokerage firm and invest in dividend stocks, often referred to as “blue-chip” stocks. When you do, your money can be reinvested on a regular basis, allowing you to build up your portfolio. Ultimately, you’ll begin to receive large dividend checks that provide you with recurring income.
To get the high returns you want from these or other investments, it will require you doing your homework to make the best decisions. But once you do, you can invest your money, gain peace of mind, and begin to receive recurring income that can be used for retirement, paying for your child’s college tuition, or perhaps that dream vacation you’ve always wanted to take.