Home Insurance Did You Know That Insurance Adjusters Follow Social Media?

Did You Know That Insurance Adjusters Follow Social Media?

Think only your close friends care about your social media updates? Think again. Insurance adjusters now regularly scan the social media pages of individuals who have filed insurance claims. Learn more about what this means for you and how you can safeguard your personal information from prying eyes.

Did You Know That Insurance Adjusters Follow Social Media?

Keep your social media profiles safe from prying eyes.

Don’t Post Accident Photos

You may be tempted to post photos of your accident after the event happens. However, this can be a mistake that may haunt you through the insurance claim process. Insurance adjusters now regularly compare accident-related social media updates to the claims that they’re given. Any discrepancies they find may be used against the individual who filed the claim. Even with your social media security settings set at the highest level, it’s best to avoid posting photos of your accident online.

Avoid Posting Descriptive Updates

Along with not posting accident-related photos, you should also avoid posting any updates that describe your recent accident. Any accident-related updates you post online could also potentially be used against you by an insurance adjuster who combs through your profile. For example, if you post that you’re starting to feel much better after your accident, an insurance adjuster who accesses that post could use it against your claim of needing coverage for on-going medical costs linked to the accident.

Know Your Online Friends

As you work to tighten the security of your online presence, you should review your list of friends on social media. Look through your friend lists on each of your social media pages and unfriend anyone you don’t know. When you receive new friend requests, research the individual who requested to be your online friend. If you don’t know the individual, don’t accept the request. If you maintain a blog, you may also want to consider limiting viewing access to it, if it contains personal information that you don’t want everyone to see.

Adjust your Security Settings

According to Involved in an Accident in Florida: Six Things Personal Accident Lawyers say you Shouldn’t Share on Social Media, along with monitoring your list of online friends, you should also tighten your social media security settings. Place the highest level of security on your social media pages, which usually means that only individuals in your list of friends will be able to view your updates, photos and other information. You may also want to list your profile as invisible to individuals outside of your friend list, if you don’t want people searching online to be able to find you.

Find an Experienced Lawyer

A wise course of action to take after an accident is seeking advice from an experienced lawyer. By seeking professional guidance, you can avoid many of the common insurance claim missteps and more. An experienced lawyer may also be able to answer your questions regarding social media updates and how those updates can be used by an insurance adjuster.

Keep your social media updates safe from the prying eyes of insurance adjusters. Check the security settings on your social media pages today and, if needed, seek the guidance of an experienced lawyer.

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